What can RIBA do for you? (and me)
Updated: Jun 30, 2020
I am now the proud owner of an attractive metal pin badge and a rather over elaborate scroll/certificate to say that I am a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects!

Before this year I was registered solely with the ARB, The Architects Registration Board, which is the legislative body that regulates the profession in the UK. It prescribes architectural qualifications, maintains the Register of Architects, and issues sanctions or penalties for unacceptable conduct. It is a legal requirement to be a member of ARB if you are practicing as an architect in UK.
RIBA on the other hand is an optional members organisation which architects can join. It promotes the role of the architect in UK and is very supportive of small and growing practices, providing a range of useful resources: training programmes and initiates design competitions for people in the profession.
The RIBA website is also a very useful starting point for clients thinking about engaging an architect. It is possible to search through the register to find an architect near you, and also discover a wealth of information in the “resources for clients” section.